Digital Media Convergence in Relation to Advertising & New Media
Media convergence is a complex phenomenon that has demanded,
and continues to demand, review of established notions of media consumption. In
the simplest of terms, convergence refers to ‘the coming together of things
that were previously separate’ (Meikle & Young, 2012, p.2). However, in regards to digital or new
media, this definition will not suffice; scholars have outlined the concept of
digital media convergence as a rather contradictory one, encompassing both the
provision of services that were previously separate through a single means, and
the now numerous ways in which to access content that were previously only
provided through a single medium (Pool, 1983, cited in Jenkins, 2006, p.10). This conception of
convergence, particularly the latter half of the definition, has had serious
implications for the advertising industry, as consumers of media are empowered
and fragmented. This essay will begin with a general discussion of some of the
problems for advertisers that have been encountered through the rise of the
‘convergence culture’ (Jenkins, 2006) and then will deal more specifically with some
of the strategies that have been employed, at both the larger and smaller
agency levels, to deal with the shift to new media.
The Brief
The Brief
The shift to a digital, or ‘convergence’, culture, along
with reductions in brand-loyalty and attention to marketing messages has caused
the demise of the traditional ‘mass message model’ of advertising. Increase in
the sovereignty of the consumer, for example, by means of ‘pull media’, in
which consumers can ‘choose what to see… what to do with what they see’ and
whether or not to avoid it, has put more weight on ‘the importance of
one-to-one engagement and interactions’ (Sheehan, 2009). This idea would seem to put
younger Internet advertising companies in a privileged position as having a
greater ability to develop ‘interactive messages’, however, these agencies fall
short of traditional ones in developing strong brand messages (Sheehan, 2009).
Strategies employed by both smaller advertising companies and traditional
agencies in the age of new media are explored below.
Just Google it
The first new trend in advertising that has been facilitated by digital media convergence and new media is the development of ‘search-based advertising’, in which search terms, rather than consumers, are targeted to more accurately penetrate fragmented markets (Spurgeon, 2008, p.25). According to Jenkins (2006, p.2), convergence necessarily involves the active participation of consumers, or to put it concisely, a ‘participatory culture’, and it is held by Spurgeon (2008, p.25) that ‘Search culture is, fundamentally, based on conversational interaction and social participation’. This shows clearly a strong link between convergence and new media advertising at a basic level. An exemplary model of search-based advertising is that which occurs on the search-engine Google. The complexity of the algorithms they employ, which provide ‘outstanding search results, remains a key factor in explaining Google’s popularity with end-users and advertisers alike’. Google have employed a ‘keyword auction’ system in which advertisers bid for the ability to have their product affiliated with certain words entered into the search engine (Spurgeon, 2008, p.30-31). This lowers risk for advertisers, as they know that ‘everybody who clicks on [their] listing is a qualified lead’ (Milnes, 2005, cited in Spurgeon, 2008, p.33). Furthermore, the capabilities of smaller advertisers, who are generally focused on information-based advertising, have been optimised by this digital shift, whilst larger advertisers, generally focused on the creative and persuasive side, have had to explore new creative potentials (Spurgeon, 2008, p.26-27).
The first new trend in advertising that has been facilitated by digital media convergence and new media is the development of ‘search-based advertising’, in which search terms, rather than consumers, are targeted to more accurately penetrate fragmented markets (Spurgeon, 2008, p.25). According to Jenkins (2006, p.2), convergence necessarily involves the active participation of consumers, or to put it concisely, a ‘participatory culture’, and it is held by Spurgeon (2008, p.25) that ‘Search culture is, fundamentally, based on conversational interaction and social participation’. This shows clearly a strong link between convergence and new media advertising at a basic level. An exemplary model of search-based advertising is that which occurs on the search-engine Google. The complexity of the algorithms they employ, which provide ‘outstanding search results, remains a key factor in explaining Google’s popularity with end-users and advertisers alike’. Google have employed a ‘keyword auction’ system in which advertisers bid for the ability to have their product affiliated with certain words entered into the search engine (Spurgeon, 2008, p.30-31). This lowers risk for advertisers, as they know that ‘everybody who clicks on [their] listing is a qualified lead’ (Milnes, 2005, cited in Spurgeon, 2008, p.33). Furthermore, the capabilities of smaller advertisers, who are generally focused on information-based advertising, have been optimised by this digital shift, whilst larger advertisers, generally focused on the creative and persuasive side, have had to explore new creative potentials (Spurgeon, 2008, p.26-27).
Movies or Marketing?
Another strategy employed, this time by larger advertisers,
to reach consumers despite declines in brand-loyalty brought about by digital
media convergence, is that of ‘branded content’ – where advertisers move from
placing products in movies or television etc., or in-between them, to actually
embedding the product in content of their own creation that is ‘so appealing
that consumers will seek them out for inclusion in their personalised media and
entertainment flows’ (Spurgeon, 2008, p.40). A real-world example of this strategy was
BMW’s establishment of ‘BMW Films’ which developed and distributed a number of
advertisements in the guise of short films (see video directly below). The films were successful in
penetrating the market of affluent youths savvy in new media and in increasing
sales. Most notable was BMW’s budget ratio; with a 1:9 ratio of distribution to
production, they had reversed long-standing advertising norms (Spurgeon, 2008, 40). This
advertising strategy, however, has raised questions over what really
constitutes advertising (Spurgeon, 2008, p.41), and comparisons can be made between this notion of
branded content and the discussion over the ‘breakdown in the separation
between the editorial and advertising’ and entertainment functions of news
media’ (Barker, 2009, p.120).
The V Factor
The V Factor
The final advertising format that digital media convergence
has given rise to is that of ‘viral advertising’. This form of advertising
relies heavily on the participatory and interconnected nature of convergence
culture; consumers themselves acting as distributors, voluntarily sharing
content with peers and target audiences by online means. Most notably, this
form of advertising removes the ‘media buying element’ from the marketing
process, instead depending on the willingness of consumers to be distributors;
a willingness ‘that may not only be influenced by the source of the message but
also by its content’. Thus this form of advertising would seem to favour ‘big
advertisers’, with their larger capacity for creative potential; people are not
likely to relay content on to peers if it is boring, so there needs to be an
interesting or pleasing ‘viral component to it’ (Golan & Zaidner, 2008, p.961-962). (For an example of a viral advertising campaign, see directly below.)
As can be seen, digital media convergence and the rise of
new media have had a significant impact on the advertising industry. Traditional
strategies of advertising through top-down mass-message models of media are
being undermined by the capacity of the consumer to gain sovereignty over the
media and marketing that they are exposed to (Sheehan, 2009). In response to this, advertising
companies have had to develop new techniques for reaching target audiences in a
fragmented market, including: paying to have their product attached to certain
terms entered into Internet search-engines, actually creating entertaining content
that people seek out and embedding the product within this, and seeking to
employ consumers as the distributors of content by attempting to embed viral
components within it.
Barker, G 2009, ‘The crumbling estate – Ten steps: the long, slow death of Australian journalism’, Griffith Review, vol. 25, pp. 117-123.
Barker, G 2009, ‘The crumbling estate – Ten steps: the long, slow death of Australian journalism’, Griffith Review, vol. 25, pp. 117-123.
Golan, G & Zaidner, L 2008, 'Creative Strategies in Viral Advertising: An Application of Taylor's Six-Segment Message Strategy Wheel, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, vol. 13, pp. 959-972.
Jenkins, H 2006, Convergence Culture, New York University Press, New York.
Meikle, G & Young, S 2012, Media Convergence: Networked Digital Media in Everyday Life, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
Sheehan, K & Morrison, D 2009, 'Beyond Convergence: Confluence culture and the role of the advertising agency in a changing world', First Monday, vol. 14, no. 3.
Spurgeon, C 2008, Advertising and New Media, Routledge, Oxon.
Sheehan, K & Morrison, D 2009, 'Beyond Convergence: Confluence culture and the role of the advertising agency in a changing world', First Monday, vol. 14, no. 3.
Spurgeon, C 2008, Advertising and New Media, Routledge, Oxon.
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