MAS110 Photo Essay
'Lights' by Paige West - 42846129
The concept of an everyday aesthetic refers
to an everyday image, often “one’s discovery and framing of the small and
mundane” (Murray, 2008, p. 147). Amateur photography of today focuses on this
everyday aesthetic, photographing images, which one may not necessarily notice
or appreciate in their day-to-day life. This is why I have chosen to photograph
the simple and mundane everyday object; light fittings. Everyone, everyday,
uses this object more then once. The simple activity of turning on a light switch
has become automatic, with little appreciation for the impact a little bit of
light can have on us. Even the beauty of a simple light fitting above us is
overlooked as we pass by. I have photographed this new aesthetic using the same
low angle for each image, looking directly above at the light fittings I have
selected to photograph. Using this angle allows me to further emphasis the notion
of an, ‘everyday aesthetic’ as we often do not notice a light fitting directly
above us. My sub-theme is light and dark. I photographed half of the light
fittings with the light on, and half with the light off. Even if a light is on,
one may not appreciate its impacts on everyday life. This is particularly apparent if a light is off. This photo
shoot allows me to depict the ‘everyday’ aesthetic of light fittings and
emphasise its necessity to everyday life.
Reference List:
Murray, S (2008) Digital Images, Photo-Sharing, and Our Shifting Notions of Everyday Aesthetics. Journal of Visual Culture August 2008 vol. 7(2). 147-163.
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