Friday, August 31, 2012

P. Rasmussen 42848520 New Media Advertising Essay

Philippa Rasmussen, 42848520.

Discuss the phenomenon of digital media convergence in relation to advertising and new media.

Advertising has never been so challenged by it's audiences' demands, expectations and mobility. These new changes have been caused by digital media convergence, a recent phenomenon that has seen multiple media platforms unite and intertwine. Jenkins defines convergence as "the flow of content across media platforms.. and the migratory behaviour of media audiences who will go almost anywhere in search of the kinds of entertainment experiences they want”[1]. In particular, advancing technological convergence has had a profound impact advertising. For the purpose of this essay new media will be specifically defined as the internet. New media and the convergence that exists within it have provided opportunities for advertisers to reach their audiences in revolutionary ways that turn old strategies on their head. As Spurgeon states,s convergence has had "a direct impact on creative and persuasive advertising approaches and techniques"[2]. This is exemplified by the online sensation of interactive/make-your-own-adventure videos that have gone viral. 

Tippexexperience. 2010. NSFW. A hunter shoots a bear! [online]. [Accessed: 27/8/12] Available from:

A prime case study to examine the affects of digital media convergence in relation to advertising is the 2010 Tipp-Ex "Hunter Shoots A Bear" advertisement. It utilises new media in order to make a crude, delightful and funny piece of advertising, allowing the audience to experience it any way they desire. Most importantly, it reaches a larger audience with the advantages of convergence as it can be shared on multiple websites. Tipp-Ex's advertisement defied the fundamental characteristics of traditional media - media being bound to it's material form, specialised industries for different media forms, distribution limited to an area and of course one-directional communication - because it converged into new formats of media outside television, print and radio. Because it is web-based, it has the ability to be mobile, ever-present, interactive and global, traversing physically boundaries and old expectations of advertising.

Spurgeon argues that giving the consumer complete control is a key characteristic that has been brought about by the emergence of new media advertising and convergence within the online realm. Advertising has changed rapidly due to online searching, with users finding what they want on their own terms and in their own time. Spurgeon emphasises that handing over the reins is part of why new media advertising is so effective, stating that "the rapid migration of this type of advertising from print to online media has been powerfully driven by the increased control that online, search based publication extends to end-users"[3]. She calls it "search culture" and argues that this new era of "search interfaces facilitate greater end-user control over media and entertainment choices"[4], which empowers people and makes them active consumers. A section of Jenkins definition of media convergence aptly highlights that this new user-active form of advertising responds to the "behaviour of media audiences who will go almost anywhere in search of the kinds of entertainment experiences they want"[5]. The kinds of entertainment people want are not experiences that are spoon fed to them, instead they are in control and the choices are limitless. 

When looking at Tipp-Ex as a case study, it's clear that the advertising agency Buzzman has also acknowledged that this control and freedom for the user is essential for creating a successful viral campaign. Interactivity of the video allows people to manipulate what they see. The campaign was adequately called "White and Rewrite", reflecting the way viewers can rewrite the advertisement, becoming its director. It directly deals with the problem that users are distracted, distrustful and disinterested[6] because it appeals to the user's sense of power and imagination. It's creative, fun and engaging successfully making it less like an ad and more like procrastination or an activity. It even becomes a social activity because of it's ability to be shared through multiple social networking sites where users can comment, 'like', share and promote links. Again, new media breaks down physical barriers and highlights how fractured audiences can be reached through media convergence. 

Screen shot of the multiple ways a user can circulate a YouTube video. [Taken: 31/8/12]

"Search culture" is a large factor in Tipp-Ex's ad that relies on consumers to "self-select qualifying results, which may include.. Tales of personal experience and opinions.."[7]. This is  end-user control directly contributes to it's ability to go viral. Word of mouth clearly comes into play through Tipp-Ex's video, as it relies on its viewers to hear opinions or stories of a new viral video through others offline and online, and to search for it themselves. Haenlein's graph highlights how viral campaigns work in order to propel the advertisers product through physical and electronic word of mouth (WoM).


Haenlein discusses how WoM over new media and social media is highly infectious and effective for viral marketing. The advertisement reaches a larger number of people online than by physical WoM or other traditional advertising strategies such as television and radio because of a few reasons. Old media is situated and bound by it's location, whereas online media is not physically bound. In the case of Tipp-Ex, the advertisement can be viewed on multiple devices in and outside of the home. Another reason is that once the seed is planted in one social networking or blogging site, it is accessible to several hundreds of people instantly. Haenlein argue that "social media applications are particularly suited for viral marketing, as the community element embedded in them makes it convenient to transmit the marketing message"[8] to numerous people. Tipp-Ex's advertisement has been so successful because of its response to new media, in particular the power of converging platforms of media and people online - from content making YouTube, to sharing on Facebook and promoting through Twitter. 

The shake up of advertising and new media directly correlates to the emergence of digital media convergence, where users, content and technology converge together, bringing about challenges for effectively reaching these audiences. Through examining Tipp-Ex's "Hunter Shoots a Bear" video, it is clear that traditional methods of advertising are now being abandoned, as advertising agencies have been put in a "situation where traditional methods of work adapt to embrace the new reality of interactive content"[9]. This advertisement latches onto the increasingly popular viral video technique to target tech-savvy consumers, and responds to changing behaviours in audiences, which are predominantly online as opposed to in front of the television, radio or newspaper. Control, interactivity and the reliance on consumers to share, link, and forward a product or advertisement are the realities that advertisers must accept in the 21st century of digital media convergence.

KAPLAN, A.M. HAENLEIN, M. 2011. Two Hearts in three-quarter time: How to waltz the social media/viral marketing dance. Business Horizons, 54 (3). pg. 253-263

JENKINS, H. 2006. Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: University press. 

SPURGEON, C. 2008. Advertising and New Media. Oxon: Routledge.

SHEEHAN, K, MORRISON, D. 2009. Beyond Convergence: Confluence, Culture and the Role of Advertising agency in a Changing World. First Monday, 14 (3) Accessible: [link]

Reference List:
[1] JENKINS, H. 2006. Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: University press. 

[2] SPURGEON, C. 2008. Advertising and New Media. Oxon: Routledge.

[3] SPURGEON, C. 2008. Advertising and New Media. Oxon: Routledge.

[4] SPURGEON, C. 2008. Advertising and New Media. Oxon: Routledge.

[5] JENKINS, H. 2006. Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: University press. 

[6] SPURGEON, C. 2008. Advertising and New Media. Oxon: Routledge.

[7] SPURGEON, C. 2008. Advertising and New Media. Oxon: Routledge.

[8] KAPLAN, A.M. HAENLEIN, M. 2011. Two Hearts in three-quarter time: How to waltz the social media/viral marketing dance. Business Horizons, 54 (3). pg. 253-263

[9] SHEEHAN, K, MORRISON, D. 2009. Beyond Convergence: Confluence, Culture and the Role of Advertising agency in a Changing World. First Monday, 14 (3) Accessible: [link]

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